Sustaining a Social Enterprise Ecosystem

Sustaining a Social Enterprise Ecosystem

“Sustainability” is not just a buzzword, but a multi-purpose concept. It illustrates the resiliency of an organization. It is often the reason many nonprofits pursue social enterprise – to improve their mission delivery and enhance their sustainability...
Mapping the social enterprise ecosystem: A primer

Mapping the social enterprise ecosystem: A primer

As the number of social enterprises grows exponentially, so does the number of organizations being launched to support them. Although there were a few early pioneers – REDF, ENP and NEsST, all founded in 1997 – most of the social enterprise support organizations...
Esalen Institute: Social change cliff-side

Esalen Institute: Social change cliff-side

It hit me as soon as we made the sharp turn off the gloriously serpentine Highway 1 at the signpost that read “Esalen Institute”. Like a cold, sharp gust of wind signifying the first day of winter, it caught me off-guard before knocking me off-balance. And then it...
India leading the world on CSR legislation

India leading the world on CSR legislation

Social enterprises among the biggest potential beneficiaries India is inching ever closer to being the world’s first country to formally mandate companies of a certain size to spend two percent of their profits on CSR activities. The CSR provision is part of a...
Engineering an ecosystem to amplify social enterprise

Engineering an ecosystem to amplify social enterprise

Although we may have many varying definitions of social enterprise around the world, they all share a basic purpose: to operate a business that creates a blended-value outcome. They seek both financial success and social impact. It’s a business venture addressing a...

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