Sometimes the trickiest part of collaboration is knowing where to begin. For those of us who are doers, it’s the substance of the collaboration and defining what we want to achieve together that comes first. Collaborators who are relational begin by assembling a core...
We continue our series examining food security in Canada’s north. Nunavut is Canada’s newest territory, officially joining the federation in 1993. Being home to some of Canada’s Northern most communities, it holds a certain amount of mystery for those of us down...
I knew something was terribly wrong when I could barely summon the strength to get out of bed to use the bathroom. For the next two days I remained in bed hoping that I had a bad case of the flu and that my illness would pass. Unfortunately, it didn’t. Shortly...
We arrived in the pouring rain on a cool and breezy July afternoon. But it didn’t take long for Wanuskewin Heritage Park to envelop us in its warm embrace. A 20 minute-drive from the downtown core of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Wanuskewin —situated above Opimihaw Creek...
The food security landscape in Canada’s north is troubling. One quarter of northern indigenous children are considered severely food insecure. Nationally, indigenous Canadians face food insecurity at a rate four times that of the national average and 62% of indigenous...
“Director Seal engea irka?” Where is the Director’s stamp, Julee asked, holding the stamp pad in her hand. “Theriyadu,” I don’t know, I replied. After two months in Tamil Nadu, I had picked up enough of the Tamil dialect to make small conversation. I was the...