Keeping your social enterprise social and profitable

Keeping your social enterprise social and profitable

3 factors ensure your enterprise stays social As a social enterprise, your primary goal is to maintain a triple bottom line. People. Planet. Profit. It can be a tough gig. Each business has its own unique opportunities and challenges, but there are three factors to...

Four factors to consider when evaluating outcomes

Understanding social change from outcomes to impact. In recent years there has been a shift in the field of program evaluation from activities-based to outcomes-based evaluation practice. While an activities-based evaluation focuses on measuring the outputs of a...
Social enterprise leadership: Engaging others

Social enterprise leadership: Engaging others

The Association of Integrated Marketers invited me recently to present on the topic of “Community Marketing.” In a room full of marketers, “marketing” needed little preface. “Community,” on the other hand, is a word for which we...
How to save the million-dollar cost of a wrong hire: Returnships

How to save the million-dollar cost of a wrong hire: Returnships

Find out why an internship or returnship may be just the thing to help your organization achieve its goals and contribute to the bottom line. I’m a confessed entrepreneur, having all the trappings of bootstrapping, scaling grand ideas, and being an early adopter. I am...
Measuring and valuing impact

Measuring and valuing impact

It’s fine to count the number of people coming through the door, or how many dollars are raised, but to find out if your organization is really having an impact, you have to start asking different questions. Impact. ROI. Measure. Each word is linked to questions...

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