You’ve finished the feasibility study; now it’s either move forward with the business plan or reassess your idea. Don’t forget, if the feasibility study indicated the enterprise idea won’t work, either as a business or as a means to deliver on your mission, that is...
In the last issue, we discussed the idea-screening step, where your objective was to eliminate the ideas that were either not a strong fit for your organization or did not provide a significant business or social impact, and identify the ideas that might be a fit and...
After an initial investigation and organizational assessment you’ve chosen to continue the journey of developing a social enterprise. How exciting and challenging! So now it’s time to generate business ideas, evaluate them, and build support and enthusiasm for...
Recently, a group of friends got caught up in the idea of going on a trip together. As with most trips, they began thinking about and agreeing on what they wanted to experience, where they might find that adventure, and how to get there. Not so different than...
There is a growing “value-based” awareness among retail consumers, and now business-to-business purchasers are also deciding that their supply chain really has to reflect, and be integrated into their corporate social responsibility goals. Greenwashing...