Small potatoes for some make a big impact for social enterprise

Small potatoes for some make a big impact for social enterprise

Although it says nowhere that social impact businesses must be small, the reality is that most social enterprises and responsible businesses in the room at the Social Impact Purchasing Summit in Vancouver on November 8th were small. Sadly, what prevents many social...
The need for failure in impact investing

The need for failure in impact investing

Social Finance Forum 2012 failure panel Nobody likes failure. The associations aren’t pretty: loss, disappointment, bankruptcy. Admitting failure in social finance is particularly taboo. In a space still fighting to establish legitimacy, few social entrepreneurs...
Small potatoes for some make a big impact for social enterprise

What’s the best language for social impact stories?

As David LePage took the stage on Wednesday evening at the Social Impact Purchasing Summit in Vancouver, he comfortably set a conversational tone for the summit. I felt like a welcome guest to a difficult conversation many small business owners and socially conscious...
TedxToronto: Alchemy in action

TedxToronto: Alchemy in action

When you hear the word “alchemy” what do you think of? I remember my first “taste” of alchemy. I was on a travel assignment in Ottawa three years ago, searching for the city’s most newsworthy culinary establishments. I found a hands-down...

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