Check out my latest post for the Causeway/Ashoka Social Finance Blog Series at A sustainable approach to managing money that delivers social, environmental and economic benefits, social finance has achieved the status of buzzword in the nonprofit...
If you’re reading this, you’re probably hoping for a definition of social enterprise. A logical expectation, given the title of this posting. But alas, as I’ve discovered in the past few months, trying to find an agreed upon description of social...
Last week, I attended the launch of a new social enterprise purchasing toolkit, created by Vancouver-based enp(enterprising non-profits). The goal of the toolkit is to help organizations – nonprofits, corporations, and the public sector – leverage their...
So I was thinking about coffee the other day. Okay, in the aim of full disclosure for my inaugural post, here’s the thing: I think about coffee every day. The way I see it, of all the vices to adopt as my own, a freshly brewed cup of Joe has got to be the best option....