How We’re Closing the Wealth Gap by Investing in Equal Opportunity
CNote provides people - especially low-income women and women of color - with equal access to loans and financial resources by increasing investment in nonprofit lenders.
Investing in the Fight Against Global Inequality: David O’Leary of Origin Capital
Origin Capital focuses on impact investments that will transform the lives of the word’s most vulnerable people
Creating a New Investment Model for Ending Poverty: In convo with Marc Blumenthal
The founder of Social Ventures Foundation explains how the organization is working to change the paradigm of poverty reduction
Social Change Happens Here
Editor-in-chief Elisa Birnbaum reports on the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York and its growing impact on community and planet
How a Single Bicycle Led to Increased Income for Thousands of Ugandan Farmers
Social entrepreneurs must be willing to get on the ground, ask the hard questions, and most importantly to listen to those we are serving.
Air Canada Partners with 4Ocean to Advance Plastic Reduction Strategy
Employee participation in 2019 ocean and coastal clean-ups are milestones in company's plastic reduction strategy
Some Say You Can’t Do Good & Do Well, Others Believe You Can Do it All; the Truth Lies Somewhere in Between
Do we have to sacrifice returns to make impact? David O'Leary examines two divergent views and finds a middle ground
How & Why We Track Ethical Supply Chains: In Convo with Markus Mutz of OpenSC
The venture, co-founded by WWF-Australia and BCG Digital Ventures, announced this week that it raised $4 million to further develop its technology platform
100 CEOs Sign Statement in Support of Climate Action
Business leaders unite in support of climate action across Canada, US and UK
In the Business of Change written by SEE Change publisher & editor Elisa Birnbaum highlights social entrepreneurs around the world. Get your print or audiobook where you normally buy or download books Learn More
Our recent 3-part podcast series is sponsored by Junxion Strategy