Top Five Steps to Create Meaning and Purpose at Your Company
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman This is very true. Often I hear people say, “Oh, I wish I did something meaningful...
Converging Paths: Musical group bridges Israeli, Iranian divide
A few months ago, a delighted audience at the Alliance Francaise Theatre in Toronto was treated to a concert unlike any they had heard before. But it wasn't just the performance that struck a powerful chord. It was the players and their collaborative mission that...
Want to Be the Change? Build a Support System
From July 9 to 10 I’ll be attending Mentor Capital Network’s (MCN) Annual Gathering in New York City. This is an event that I look forward to and have attended each year since I became involved with MCN in 2011 as a contestant in their annual business plan...
Tracing a Million Footsteps at the Canadian Museum of Immigration – and finding my own
Her name was Aquitania. Born in Scotland and launched on April 21, 1913, the ocean liner was a beauty, boasting accommodations unlike any other found in the water at the time: walls decorated with portraits of Royalty and prints of English seaports, a smoking room...
With Love from India: One expat’s story of contradictions, challenges and resilience
As things go, I am sipping on my third tea of the day while looking at the flashing icon on my phone indicating the charging has been abruptly interrupted and find myself wondering for how long I’ll be able to continue to type away on my laptop before its battery...
Lessons For Social Enterprises On Achieving Impact: In Convo with Alexandra Snelgrove of LIFT Philanthropy Partners
Alexandra Snelgrove joined venture philanthropy organization LIFT Philanthropy Partners in early 2015 as the Director of Social Impact for its Toronto office. In that capacity, she is part of the team responsible for working directly to support the organizations in...
Putting a Smile on Their Face in Thailand: A volunteer reports
Just a smile changes the world – the motto of For Hopeful Children Project (FHCP) - resonated through all three days during which I was greeted with children and staff smiling ear to ear. FHCP started with just a few volunteers and less than 100 children in 1991....
Finding Empathy Through Play with Twenty-One Toys
At the heart of any great departure from the beaten path is an awareness that the prevailing modes of thought fail to account for your understanding of the world. For Ilana Ben-Ari, the Toronto-based social entrepreneur and founder of Twenty One Toys, the choice to...
The Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Ask Her Talks: Time to change the conversation
In any discussion on philanthropy and development, it pays to look past what is said and realize whose voices are being heard. With the Ask Her Talks, taking place at the end of May in Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa, the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) asks us to do...
In the Business of Change written by SEE Change publisher & editor Elisa Birnbaum highlights social entrepreneurs around the world. Get your print or audiobook where you normally buy or download books Learn More
Our recent 3-part podcast series is sponsored by Junxion Strategy