Last Hope Hotel: Social enterprise gives refugees second chance in Vienna
Refugees are operating a newly opened hotel for tourists in the Austrian capital of Vienna. They’ve already managed the first days with a full house. Writer Iris Mostegel gets a firsthand look at the exceptional project. The spring sun floods the lobby with light....
The University Scholars Leadership Symposium: Why you should attend
The 6th University Scholars Leadership Symposium will commence on August 1, 2015 in Hong Kong. The week-long event aims to bring students and NGO workers around the world together to encounter different cultures, participate in leadership workshops and network with...
The Times They Are A-Changin’: Author of The Mission-Driven Venture shares strategies for social entrepreneurs
In March, a living legend of social enterprise, Jerr Boschee, wrote a piece cataloging the music that defined the social justice movement. I was honored to be asked to contribute and, not surprisingly, I picked Beyoncé’s “Run the World” and Alicia Keys’ “Girl on...
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Welcome to museum 3.0
One of my more cherished memories as a student was taking an exclusive seminar course on international human rights with Canadian human rights activist, John Peters Humphrey. An author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the man was one of my heroes. I...
LIFT Philanthropy Partners Seeks Proposals from Ontario Social Enterprises
LIFT Philanthropy Partners is pleased to announce that it is seeking proposals from Ontario-based social enterprises with an interest in scaling their activities, leading to job creation for Ontarians experiencing barriers to employment. The call for proposals is...
The Social EnterPrize: Rewarding Canadian Social Entrepreneurship
The Social EnterPrize is a unique Canadian-born competition that seeks out entrepreneurs with socially impactful initiatives. Created to recognize and celebrate leadership and excellence in social entrepreneurship across Canada, since its inception in 2011 the...
Beyond Miles: How Aeroplan’s partnership program is enabling change
In our ongoing series featuring leaders in the private sector, corporate citizens who go the extra mile to support their communities and its organizations dedicated to effecting change, we speak with Kevin O'Brien, Chief Business Development Officer, Canada for...
When it Comes to Employment and Social Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Social Enterprise Can Help
This op-ed was originally published in The Hill Times, April 13, 2015 The recent media coverage of the proposed layoffs of dozens of developmentally disabled people in Ottawa due to the end of a 30-year contract for paper disposal with the federal government has...
On the Front Lines of Social Change
What does it feel like to stand up for what you believe in? It’s exciting, exhilarating, and scary. While there’s a part of me that takes pleasure in challenging the powers that be, my recent experience participating in a social action was a powerful reminder of...
In the Business of Change written by SEE Change publisher & editor Elisa Birnbaum highlights social entrepreneurs around the world. Get your print or audiobook where you normally buy or download books Learn More
Our recent 3-part podcast series is sponsored by Junxion Strategy