The Body Shop Celebrates the Government of Canada’s Ban on Cosmetic Animal Testing
The Body Shop held a celebratory event recently at their newly minted location in Toronto’s Yorkdale Mall to commemorate the passing of a law banning cosmetic testing on animals - and their role in securing that victory. Canada now joins over 40 countries that have...
Social Finance in Canada: A Closer look with Adam Spence of Social Venture Connexion (SVX)
We explore the impact of positive investments, SVX and the Social Finance Fund
Bringing Ukrainian Fashion to the World: In conversation with Jen Sidary
"Prior to my work with Ukraine I felt I worked in a very shallow industry but that has all changed for me now"
Impact at Scale: How the social sector can spark solutions to big problems
Social entrepreneurs can achieve impact on society's intractable challenges - and these strategies can help.
Meet 3 Social Entrepreneurs in Portugal Making Sustainability Their Mission
These ventures are working hard to achieve social and environmental impact
Fixing our Broken Food System: Laura Gabbert & Ruth Reichl of documentary Food and Country
Documentary looks at the innovators working to transform how we produce and consume our food
Report Reveals a Flaw in the Support Systems Designed to Tackle Homelessness
It's time to redesign services so that they are people-driven, not people-resistant, argues CEO of LavaMaeX
Founder of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary Talks Passion, Purpose – and the Hot Docs Film Festival
We speak with the subject of a new documentary about her mission of helping farmers transition away from animal agriculture
Top 5 Ways to Maximize the Success of Your Consulting Project
Watch for these key indicators to help determine whether your social impact project is on the right track

In the Business of Change written by SEE Change publisher & editor Elisa Birnbaum highlights social entrepreneurs around the world. Get your print or audiobook where you normally buy or download books Learn More
Our recent 3-part podcast series is sponsored by Junxion Strategy